
poster for event


Occurs on Saturday February 25 2023

Approximate running time: 2 hours


ArtSpring Theatre
100 Jackson Ave.
Saltspring Island BC V8K 2V8

Event Notes


Body Parts

Written, choreographed and performed by veteran artist Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg, Body Parts is a solo piece in which she tries to perform her show but gets comically side-tracked by her own body issues. Something has gone terribly wrong! Part stand-up comedy, part Greek tragedy, part performance art, part contemporary dance, this show is the result of the ever-changing nature of creating art during a global pandemic and our inability to talk about our bodies.

Set design - Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg (with Josh Martin, Kate Franklin and Melanie Yeats) Costume - Tara Cheyenne Friedenberg Music - Marc Stewart Lighting design - James Proudfoot

With post-show talkback | ages 13+

Thank you to Carol & Ted Brown, Joan Farlinger, and Salt Spring Coffee for sponsoring this performance.

Photo: Wendy D. Photography

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